Friday, May 15, 2015

Bacterial Transformation Lab


So for this lab we had four Plates.Each plate had 4 different plates with 4 different substances/mixture.

So we started the lab with 2 separate test tube. One is + and one is -
We then put a solution into both of the test tubes. In which we then placed in ice. We then grabbed bacteria from one of the plates onto both test tubes. We then place the plasmid onto the + and put both tubes back into the ice. We put both test tube into ice for about 10 minutes. Now after the 10 minutes of sitting in the ice we directly put it in 42 C in warm water for about 50 seconds. We then put it back into the ice for about 2 minutes. After we open both of the test tubes and put LB nutrient broth onto both test tubes. We then had to keep the test tubes at room temperature so we held the test tubes in our hands for 10 minutes. We then placĂȘ the + pglo test tube into the 3 test placĂȘ Lb/amp,Lb/amp/ara,Lb. On the - test tube Lb/amp we placed the -pglo test tube . We then grabed a sterile loop for each plate and we spread each of it around on each plate. We then stacked our plates and and labeled it and stuck it in the incubator and this was our results.
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This tray had regular food/plasma/spiked with Ameslan.

This tray had regular food,plasma/spiked with Ameslan/and spiked with Ara a sugar.

This tray just had regular food.All the plates have e-coil bacteria .

This tray had regular food/No plasmid and was spiked with Ameslan

The LB AMP Ara was the only plate that would glow while the others didnt.

The LB+,
LB/Amp/ARA+ =had lots of growth
The LB/Amp had =no growth .

The Lb/AMP=0 bacterial colonizes 
The LB/Amp/ARA+=1000 colonizes
The Lb/Amp+=800 colonizes about the same amount but has a little bit less.
The LB+=40 colonizes

The Lb/AMP + got new dna because it had growth and got the new dna while the Lb/AMP - didnt because it didnt get the plasmid while the LB/AMP + did.

Lb/AMP/ARA got new dna because its glowing which shows that it had plasmid/and growth which shows that it glows.
The Lb + got the new dna because it had lots of growth and was still producing cells.

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