Monday, April 6, 2015


DNA Extraction of Wheat Germ
  1. place 1 gram of raw wheat germ in a 50 ml test tube
  2. add 20 ml of hot tap water and mix constantly for 3 mins
  3. add 1 ml or a scant 1/4 teaspoon of detergent and mix gently every minute for 5 minutes. try not to creat foam
  4. use an eyedropper, pipette, of a pice of paper towel to remove any foam from the top of the solution
  5. tilt the test tube at an angel. SLOWLY pour 14 ml of alcohol down the side so that it forns a layer on to top of the water/wheat germ/detergent soultion. do not mix the two layers together. DNA precipitates at the water-alcohol interface ( the  boundary between the water and the alcholo). therefore, it is crucial to pour the alcohol very slowly so that it forms a layer on top of the water soultion. if the alcohol mixes with thw water, it will become too dilute and the DNA will not precipitate.
  6. let the test tube sit for a few minutes. white, stringy, filmy DNA will begin to appear where the water and alcohol meet. you will usuly see DNA precipitating fron the solution at the water-alcohol interface as soon as you pour in the alcohol. if yu let the preparation sit for 15 minutes or so the DNA will float to the top of the alcohol. you cam usually get more DNA to prectpaite from the solutio by using one of the DNA-collection tools ( such as a glass or paper clip hook) to gently lift the water solution up in the alcohol. this allows more DNA to come in contact with the alcohol and precipitate. you may find it helpful to pour the water/detergent soultion into a clean test tube, leaving behind the wheat germ, before adding the alcohol.
  7. finally use a glass or paper clip hook or a wooden stick to collect the DNA.

  1. what dose the wheat germ soup look like: it looks like italen dressing
  2.  how dose its appearance change as you add the detergent and swirl it in?: the mixter went from brow to yellow
  3. what do you think is happening at this step: the detrgent is destroying the membrane to get rid of the oils
  4. describe the appearance of the mixture just after you add the alcohol: the wheat is at the botton, yeelow in the middle and alcohol at the top
  5. what do you think is happening at this step: both types of DNA is mixing to make one type
  6. what do you obseruve at the water-alcohol interface: white goo stuff staterd to flot to the top of the test tube
  7. what doce DNA look like? it looks like a white clear goo.

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